Ban Chinchilla Farming Campaign 2015

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The 2006 Animal Protection Act banned farming animals "for the purpose of fur production" in Croatia starting January 1, 2007, with a ten year phase-out period, which means that the ban should come into full force on January 1, 2017.

On the chinchilla farmers' initiative, Agriculture Minister Tihomir Jakovina sent a letter to the Croatian Parliament on February 13, 2015 stating that the Ministry of Agriculture will exclude chinchilla farming from the ban on fur farming. Minister’s letter clearly shows that the decision had already been made even before the Committee for the Amendment of the Animal Protection Act was called to discuss the proposal, making the confirmation of the decision by the Committee for the Amendment, Government and Parliament a mere formality, which is an outrageous attempt to undermine the Act.

After general political elections that happened in end of 2015, new Minister of Agriculture was appointed on beggining of 2016.
Since the procedure for changing the Animal Protection Act started already, the fur farming ban is still in danger and awaiting final draft of the new Act from Ministry of Agriculture to be presented to the public and opened for discussion. After that it wull be proceeded to Government and Parliament.

Read more:

The arguments against chinchilla fur farming in Croatia

Petition for better Animal Protection Act
A Step Forward, Not Ten Steps Back

New independent candidate - Chinchi!
Chinchi Goes to The Parliament

Chinchi Writes to Minister Jakovina!

For Croatia Without Skinned Chinchillas!
They Want to Kill Chinchillas for Fur!

A Letter from Minister Tihomir Jakovina to the Croatian Parliament

73.7% of Croatian Citizens against Fur Farming

Voices of Europe Against Fur

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