05/15/11 Share the World

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Animal Friends presents an educational film for children

- The film encourages children to understand the emotions and needs of animals, which stimulates understanding in them

Animal Friends, in collaboration with PETA, has synchronized into Croatian the film "Share the World," intended for the education of children in kindergarten and lower classes of elementary school. Voices were lent by Dalibor Petko, Tamara Loos and Zlata Mück.

"Share the World" is a free educational program, designed to engross the children's attention in an informative way by excellent animal videos and interesting conversation topics. Each of the five parts of the film can be used separately or the entire film can be shown.

The film will be presented as part of the Kindergarten days at Bundek lake on May 15, 2011, between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M., where the film will be shown and the DVD distributed.

The film incites the understanding that animals are living creatures who have feelings and who need to be treated with empathy. It also awakenes the sense of responsibility towards animals and the environment and nurtures the children's enthusiasm and respect to the abundance of the natural world. It contributes to educating children from an early age, which is a prerequisite to develop a compassionate and non-violent society, sensitive to the needs of its weakest and least protected members.

"Share the World" with its way of presenting animals and nature enables children to learn to appreciate the amazing capabilities of animals and their other interesting characteristics. It helps them understand that the way people treat animals has changed and how much we have prospered because we have learned more about animals. Also, it promotes a responsible approach to animals and the environment and shows how each individual can contribute to the improvement of the world in which we live. It encourages children to view animals as intelligent, sentient beings who take care of each other, and in some cases also take care of - people.

The film "Share the World" and the poster with the same title, made by Aris Educational Centre, including instructions on how to work with the film and poster, are accessible to kindergarten teachers, teachers, parents and everyone interested, and can be ordered free of charge at www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr.

Animal Friends also offers other free materials on proper care for companion animals, healthy diet and caring for a clean environment. Animal Friends, in arrangement with kindergartens and schools, organizes lectures and projections of films, appropriate for children by its contents and duration, kindergarten visits with a dog to teach children about treating animals with care, and is open to other forms of co-operation.

In this way Animal Friends continuously helps enforce the orders of the Animal Protection Act which requires the government authorities and local or regional governments to participate in developing public awareness, especially for the youth, about animal protection.

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