08/14/24 Exhausted Dogs Finally Freed from Chains, Split Needs a City Shelter!

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After moving 42 dogs to temporary accommodation, Animal Friends call on the City of Split to register a shelter

- Croatia's second-largest city faces ongoing problems with abandoned dogs and a lack of shelters

After more than four months since it was discovered that Split psychiatrist Tomislav Pelivan kept over 60 dogs and two wolves for dogfighting, the remaining 42 dogs have finally been freed from their chains and moved to temporary accommodation in Karepovac. "Due to the situation with these unfortunate dogs, the City of Split has begun constructing temporary shelters and other necessary infrastructure for the urgent relocation of the dogs from the horror yard. This is commendable, but it is only a temporary solution. The process of rehoming the rescued dogs will take time, and other abandoned dogs also need care. Therefore, we call on the City of Split to promptly register its municipal shelter for abandoned animals," stated Animal Friends.

They highlight that by registering its shelter, Split will reduce long-term financial expenditures for caring for abandoned animals: "Split needs its solution instead of paying the county and companies for the establishment and operation of shelters and the care of dogs. A good example is the city of Dubrovnik, which, after caring for dogs in an unregistered shelter in ®arkovica, established its shelter, into which the previously unadopted dogs were transferred, solving the problem of caring for abandoned animals and already signing contracts with some local communities. After relocating the dogs to temporary accommodation, the City of Split should immediately begin the process of registering a municipal shelter!"

The organization points out that this horrific case, where a psychiatrist bred dogs for dogfighting, is just one of many that remain to be uncovered, and that Split has a persistent problem with abandoned dogs and a lack of shelters. That's why Animal Friends and the Animal Protection Network have launched a petition for Split, as Croatia's second-largest city, to build its registered shelter for abandoned animals.

Animal Friends believes that a separate county shelter is also needed to care for dogs from the remaining 15 cities and 39 municipalities that make up the Split-Dalmatia County. Due to the significant needs of local communities in this geographically largest Croatian county, Split must have its city shelter as soon as possible. This would achieve independence from other shelters, significant savings, and full implementation of the Animal Protection Act.

To recap, of the 67 dogs found at the hidden location in Split, a small portion was taken by shelters, one was stolen, one died from parvovirus, and one hanged itself with a chain on a pallet. With the arrival of summer heat, the dogs were subjected to unbearable conditions, driven mad by inactivity and short chains. In the meantime, they have been treated by veterinarians and neutered. The temporary accommodation is still unfinished, lacking dog houses, walking areas, and other infrastructure. The dogs are waiting for socialization, and a website is urgently needed to make them visible to the public and potential adopters.

Animal Friends have filed criminal and misdemeanor charges against psychiatrist Pelivan, who continues to work at the Split hospital despite the lawsuit accusing him of torturing dogs and breeding them for fights. He has been indicted for the criminal offense of destroying protected parts of nature and the criminal offense of killing or torturing animals. With the support of the Animal Protection Network, Animal Friends have also requested a statement from the Croatian Medical Chamber and the Croatian Association of Hospital Doctors on how they plan to sanction their member, but they have received no response.

"It would be very beneficial and commendable for Split and the dogs if the temporary accommodation becomes a registered shelter by the end of the year," said Animal Friends. They hope that the City of Split will find a way to make this a permanent location and will also consider other locations for relocating the shelter in the future.

"Now, it is crucial to ensure the rescued dogs receive socialization so they can find suitable homes. Together with the Animal Protection Network, we are in contact with behaviorists from Network for Animals, who are willing to help with assessing and socializing the dogs, and we have connected them with the City of Split. We are pleased that the City of Split is responsive to reasonable appeals from citizens and organizations, and we expect that they will soon proceed with the registration of the shelter," Animal Friends conclude.

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