03/18/16 Gathering for Chinchillas, Dogs and Other Animals
Under the slogan "A Step Forward, Not Ten Steps Back!" Animal Friends is organizing a public gathering with the aim of handing the letter to the Prime Minister Oreskovic. The gathering will be held on Friday March 18 at 3 P.M. on Ban Jelacic Square, and will end by submitting a written request to the Prime Minister.
In 2007 with the Animal Protection Act, the regulation on prohibiting the breeding of animals for fur came into effect with a transition period of ten years. Animal Friends and more than a hundred organizations which supported the ban consider it shameful that at the very end of the transition period, the law has gone into reverse.
The majority of breeders adapted their business operations to the existing regulations. For this and many other reasons, distortion of the law has no real economic, scientific, social, ethical or ecological foundations.
Change should mean improvement of the law, for which there is room considering that it is still allowed to kill dogs in shelters, but it could be prohibited with this amendment.
The petition for the improvement of the Animal Protection Act can be found in Croatian at www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/zaboljizakon.