04/22/04 For Clean Environment and Empty Labs

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Animal Friends activities on the occasion of the World Day of Protection of Laboratory Animals and the Planet Earth Day

The most animals are killed and tortured for the needs of meat industry and unnecessary testing of cosmetics. Animal Friends asks you to think about your own contribution to these industries of suffering and to think about the ways your lifestyle can affect on decrease of violence against animals.

We invite you to visit our stand on Ban Jelacic Square, on Thursday (April 22), Friday (April 23) and Saturday (April 24), from 10 A.M. to 7 P.M., as a part of eco-market organized by the Green Action. Our activists will offer the information verbally and through informative materials.

On Thursday, April 22, the Planet Earth Day, Animal Friends organizes a lecture and discussion on the subject of ecological aspect of vegetarianism and increasing impact of meat industry on uncontrolled expenditure of resources and high levels of environmental pollution. The lecture will be held in net club Mama (Preradoviceva ulica 18) at 7 P.M.

On Saturday, April 24, the World Day of Protection of Laboratory Animals, our activists will be focused on the issue of vivisection and will hand out leaflets along with popular white and black list of companies that produce cosmetics and cleansers.

In thousands of laboratories throughout the world, over 400,000 animals are killed daily. Animal Friends strongly opposes all kinds of animal experiments, not only from ethical, but also scientific point of view, because this practice results with great negative consequences. The experiments are carried out in the name of consumers and financed by taxpayers' money without their knowledge. We ask the consumers to throw away pseudo-scientific exploitation of animals in experiments, to get interested in this issue, to ask for objective information and to decide to support safer and quality products that were not tested on the animals.



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