11/28/22 More Than 1000 Animals Castrated Free of Charge in Banovina!

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Animal Friends Croatia highlights the success of the free neutering project in earthquake affected areas

- Cities and municipalities should subsidize castrations and provide them free of charge, not the associations

The association Animal Friends Croatia informs us that dog Aleksandra is the thousandth animal to be castrated from February until today through the project of free castration of cats and dogs in the earthquake-affected areas of Sisak-Moslavina County!

The Project is financed exclusively through donations from companies and citizens, primarily by Tajana Baranèiæ from Astra Poslovni In¾enjering Company, who regularly finances the spaying of feral cats as she considers it to be the only humane way to reduce their number and preserve their health. Dr. med. vet. Svjetlana Prodanoviæ, Coordinator of the Animal Protection Network of association Animal Friends Croatia, points out that the interest in castration is not reducing, so thanks to the new generous donation from Astra, the additional number of cats and dogs still waiting will be castrated by the end of the year.

„This Project proves how important castration is for the prevention of diseases and unwanted kittens and puppies. However, it cannot be conducted indefinitely only exclusively thanks to donations from companies and citizens. Local government units must actively work on the implementation of the Animal Protection Act, implement castration programs for feral cats and finance castrations of domesticated animals and free-living cats.

She adds they are happy that through this project they were able to help the elderly and people with difficult financial conditions who were aware that it is wrong to “get rid of” kittens and puppies by abandoning them or drowning them. Thanks to the Free Castration Project for their animals, with the dedicated work of veterinarians and the dedication of female volunteers who caught timid and wild free-living cats on the field, the cycle of suffering was broken.

„Free-living cats came from irresponsible guardians for whom castration is not natural, but it is natural for them to through a pregnant cat out on the street or to kill its offspring”, Dr. Med. Vet. Prodanoviæ explains. She states that is why they reduced prejudices and actively implemented the “Catch-Neuter-Return” Program, recognized throughout the world, so many cats were returned to the feedlots, where they are taken care of by volunteers.

The great award for all the effort put into this extraordinary project she considers to be the fact that, after discussion and education on castration benefits, many caretakers whose dogs lived on a chain and gave birth in the mud sent photos of them while they were recovering from castration at home, covered in blankets, in a dry, warm and clean space, and even after recovery had access to the house.

Considering that more than 10.000 cats and dogs are abandoned in Croatia every year, Animal Friends Croatia proposes that amendments to the Animal Protection Act prescribe mandatory castration, with recorded exceptions, which you can find out more about at www.boljizakon.net. This is the only reliable, effective and humane way to reduce the unwanted and increased population of cats and dogs and their suffering.

At www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr the brochure „Reducing Abandonment of Cats and Dogs by Castration ” is available, along with the application form for animal castration at more favorable prices.

dog Aleksandra [ 130.63 Kb ]


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