06/03/04 Croatian Animals are Part of Europe Too!

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Animal Friends and the Liberal Party invite you to a press conference and presentation of a proposal of a new Animal Welfare Bill

We are very concerned and disappointed by the fact that Croatian legislature for five years already, since the last Animal Welfare Act has been brought, under term "animal" includes only birds, fish and mammals, which is only 10% of animal species.

We believe that it is absolutely necessary to change the existing law, because we can't stand the fact that it's not only well behind European standards, but is also disgraceful.

There is an increasing number of cases of animal abuse and cruelty towards animals all over Croatia, so Animal Friends created a draft for a new Animal Welfare Act.

The bill is made in accordance with Animal Welfare Acts of other countries (the European Union, Germany, Sweden, the UK, etc), and in cooperation with individuals and organizations from Croatia and worldwide. The bill should improve standards of keeping and treatment of animals; introduce better monitoring over animal abuse and appropriate punishments for perpetrators, and to help Croatia, in which the public awareness of animal rights and welfare issues arises, to fulfill the EU criteria.

Press conference and presentation of a proposal for the new Animal Welfare Act will take place on Thursday, June 3, 2004, at 11 A.M. in the Club of representatives' office in Croatian parliament, St. Mark Square 6. After that, the bill will be given to the parliament to take it into consideration.

We hope that this new law will correct the illogical mistakes of the existing one and adjust it to European standards, and strengthen Croatian efforts to join the Union.

We ask all parliamentary parties to support this bill.

This release is, amongst others, signed by:





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