12/05/24 Penetrative Captive-Bolt Gun Blows Their Brains Away, While They Bleed to Death After Their Blood Vessels are Cut

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More pigs are slaughtered in Croatian village yards without any supervision than in actual slaughterhouses

- No one would go bankrupt by banning slaughtering, just as the economy did not go bankrupt after slavery was abolished

Pig slaughtering in these areas usually takes place in late November and early December. In 2023, according to the data by the National Institute for Statistics, 1,061,492 pigs were slaughtered in slaughterhouses and 1,524,588 on local farms. “It is a fact, albeit an unpleasant one, that slaughtering is the most brutal form of treatment of another living being. Moreover, pig slaughtering in farmyards is particularly horrific as it is carried out without any checks on whether the animals have been stunned or whether the pigs are treated in accordance with regulations. Considering that over 460,000 more pigs were slaughtered in private households than in slaughterhouses, it is not hard to imagine the extent to which law was broken and how much the animals suffered,” warned Snježana Klopotan Kačavenda, Project Coordinator for Animal Friends Croatia and advocate of the slaughter ban.

She states that claims that pig slaughtering is a tradition that should be kept alive while farmers’ existence depends on it, simply does not hold water: “Not such a long time ago, advocates of slavery used the same arguments to support the horrors of slavery because their economy depended on slaves’ work. Fortunately, this terrible tradition ended, and no economies were ruined. The same goes for pig slaughtering. By ending the tradition of bloodied yards, neither will farmers remain hungry, nor will it start a wave of mass emigration from Croatia, nor will anyone go bankrupt.”

The Book of Rules on Animal Slaughter for Domestic Purposes allows pig slaughtering outside slaughterhouses if the meat and related meat products are intended for personal use at the farm in question. The slaughtering should be carried out only by persons adequately trained for such jobs. Animals can be slaughtered only after they had been stunned by penetrative captive-bolt guns appropriately sizes for the animal, whereby the bolt penetrates the brain of the animal, leading to considerable and irreversible brain damage. Immediately after that, the animal is slaughtered by cutting the carotid arteries on both sides of the neck or blood vessels exiting the heart to ensure fast and heavy bleeding before the animal regains consciousness.

“Although the law stipulates that animals must be spared all unnecessary pain, discomfort or suffering when slaughtered, it is clear that there is no such thing as humane, painless, or beautiful slaughtering. This is substantiated by the Procedure Instructions for Slaughtering in Private Households issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery, which lists the most common illegal actions. While transferring pigs to stunning/slaughtering location, it is forbidden to hit or kick animals, lift them or pull them by the head, ears, legs, or tail, use pointed sticks or other pointed objects, bend, squeeze or break animals’ tails or poke them in the eyes. Animals that are unable to walk should be killed on the spot. Pigs’ obvious resistance and piercing screams during slaughtering show they are terrified and suffering,” stated Klopotan Kačavenda.

She reminded that every new piece of scientific research reaffirms that pigs are intelligent social animals with exceptional cognitive abilities, a wide range of emotions and unique qualities, strongly demonstrating a will to live. Not only are they able to feel but also feel compassion for other members of their species, solve group conflicts, use tools, play, dream, cuddle, have a long memory, respond to being called by their name – in short, they are like humans! Pigs fattened for slaughtering live for up to one year at most, whereas they could live up to twenty-four years. During slaughtering, they are terrified, squealing, struggling, and defecating out of fear. Very often it is only when they are pulled out for slaughtering that they see green grass and natural daylight for the first and last time.

Apart from carrying the risk of trichinosis, swine fever, salmonella and increased cholesterol, products resulting from slaughter such as kulen, sausages, ham and bacon are processed meat. World Health Organization classifies them as cancerous as their consumption is linked to bowel cancer, and as such are best to be avoided. Animal Friends Croatia therefore call on all lovers of meat dishes to try widely available and tasty plant-based meat replacements instead of products made of slaughtered pigs. As such, meat lovers would not need to give up the flavours they are used but they could put an end to the disgusting custom of animal slaughter and torture.

Kolinje - the tradition full of blood [ 70.86 Kb ]



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