11/05/05 Performance "T4 - Work in Progress"

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Animal Friends announces the book promotion with the Robert Franciszty's provocative performance

Operation T4 - "The selection of patients for treatment was put in the hands of a board of medical experts (...). However, T4 psychiatrists were in charge of the actual killings. Unlike children killed on the wards, adult patients had to be transported from the surrounding institution to the place of execution." - Charles Patterson, Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust

Animal Friends invites to an intriguing performance by Robert Farnciszty, which takes place on Saturday, November 5, 2005, in the city center, and will begin near a fountain in front of the Zagreb cathedral at 12 noon.

Senata Hren, fire swallower, and Nina Coric, narrator, will take part in the performance alongside the author of the performance, Robert Franciszty. The music was composed by Igor Bogdanic, whilst a video was made by Drazen Jeren.

With this performance Animal Friends wants to announce the promotion of the controversial book Eternal Treblinka: Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust by Charles Patterson which will be promoted in cooperation with the Department of Culture of the City of Zagreb on Wednesday, November 9, 2005, at 7:30 P.M. in the Hall III of the Faculty of Arts, Ivana Lucica 3.

"The killing technique was the most important contribution made by the T4 euthanasia program to the final solution. (...) It encompassed not only gas chambers and crematoria, but also the method developed to lure victims into these chambers, to kill them on an assembly line, and to process their corpses." - Henry Friedlander, The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution

"In relation to them (animals), all people are Nazis." - Isaac Bashevis Singer

Performance 'T4 - Work in Progress' 1Performance 'T4 - Work in Progress' 2Performance 'T4 - Work in Progress' 3Performance 'T4 - Work in Progress' 4Performance 'T4 - Work in Progress' 5Performance 'T4 - Work in Progress' 6



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