The New Why You Don't Need Meat

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by Peter Cox

Bloomsbury Publishing Ltd, London, 1992

"Cox's argument is riveting; his conclusions utterly disturbing." – Elle

"Read this amazing book and whether or not you continue to eat meat, you will never see it in the same light again." – Shropshire Evening Leader

"The most forceful indictment of Britain's meat industry I have ever yet seen; there must be large groups of men yearning for his blood in every cattle ring and abattoir in the country. Since reading WHY YOU DON'T NEED MEAT I have crossed the road every time I have approached a butcher's…" – Derek Cooper, leading food writer

"Brings together in a readable form much research into nutrition and diet. This is a controversial and provocative book but, whatever one's ultimate conclusions concerning Cox's views, the arguments cannot be lightly dismissed; neither can they be related to the 'lunatic fringe' of food faddism." – Nursing Times

"This will become the essential reference book for a rising generation of vegetarians." – Sunderland Eco

"By dealing not with opinions, hypotheses or calculated guesses, but in facts, Cox's book makes for compelling, incisive reading… Crucial." – City Limits

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