Raising Vegan Children in a Non-Vegan World

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by Erin Pavlina

A Complete Guide for Parents

"Raising children who eat, think, and live differently than their peers and the society around them can be a daunting task. This book offers a host of useful and creative ideas for bringing up healthy, self-confident, and compassionate children." – Deo Robbins, C-Founder EarthSave International

Raising vegan children in today's society is much easier when you can draw from the experiences of other parents. Filled with advice gleaned through interviews with hundreds of vegan families, this book promises parent-tested answers to your most pressing questions.

You'll learn how to:

"To raise a child as a vegan in this very non-vegan worlds is an act of courage, principle and compassion. It takes a writer with those qualities, like Erin Pavlina, to create the ultimate guide to this extremely challenging task… and I recommend this book most highly." – Michael Klaper, M.D., Auhor Pregnancy, Children, and the Vegan Diet

Erin Pavlina is the Owner and Editor of VegFamily.com, a web-based monthly magazine for vegan family living. She lives in Los Angeles with her vegan husband and children.

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