05/17/07 Beauty Springs up from Compassion

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Ivana Radovnikovic and Damir Hoyka in Animal Friends' action

- Animal Friends wants to encourage Croatian citizens to purchase products which are not tested on animals

Hundreds of thousands of rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, dogs, cats and many other animals in Europe are used every year for testing everyday products. Away from the public eye, they are being poisoned with chemicals or these chemicals are being applied to their shaved skin. The most common reactions are twitching, vomiting, paralysis, blindness, bleeding and death.

Wanting to show how unnecessary and cruel testing on animals in industry are, Ivana Radovnikovic and Damir Hoyka also joined the Animal Friends' action. With the "Beauty Springs up from Compassion" headline, Ivana Radovnikovic posed for billboards that will appear on May 17 first in Zagreb and Split. Shooting was held in Damir Hoyka's photo studio and Ana Rajic took care of the make-up.

The promotion and the first public appearance of the "Beauty Springs up from Compassion" poster will be held on May 17 at 12 noon in the School restaurant & lounge bar, Bogoviceva 7/2, (entrance next to the Profile Megastore). With Animal Friends representatives, press conference will also be attended by Ivana Radovnikovic and Damir Hoyka, who will give press statements.

"When I was still in high school, I started using cosmetic products that were not tested on animals. This was prompted by a documentary that shocked me and which made me aware of how these experiments were being performed on animals. As a consumer of that type of products, I felt responsible and decided to change my habits – which was quite simple – I simply started buying products that were on the White List. Now I have the chance to invite people, together with Animal Friends and Damir Hoyka, not to be 'blind consumers' and to remind them that there is an alternative to all that insensitivity," says Ivana Radovnikovic.

Animal Friends invite citizens to visit its web site www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr where they can find the information on ethical companies that do not test their products or their ingredients on animals. Also, they are making sure that the ingredients they acquire are not tested on animals.

More than 70% of Croatian citizens would rather choose products that were not tested on animals. These numbers are in accordance with the opinion of citizens across the European Union that all animal testing should be banned. Buyers' consciousness when buying products has a key role when it comes to bringing about the total ban on testing and selling products that were tested on animals.

Ivana Radovnikovic will distribute "Beauty Springs up from Compassion" postcards and copies of the "Black & White List" to all the visitors of her concert. The concert will be held on Wednesday, May 30 at 8 P.M., in "Mala scena" Theater (Medvescak 2). Also, she will encourage them to show their compassion by buying products that are not tested on animals.

This action was also supported by Adorea, Arto, Avon, Europlakat, Media, Lotusgraf, Oglasnik, Skola Restaurant & Lounge Bar, Vector Design, and Zale.

Beauty Springs up from Compassion [ 207.70 Kb ]Beauty Springs up from Compassion - press conference [ 49.83 Kb ]Beauty Springs up from Compassion 1 [ 50.52 Kb ]Beauty Springs up from Compassion 2 [ 72.55 Kb ]Beauty Springs up from Compassion 3 [ 75.85 Kb ]

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