Public Survey
Commissioned by:
Animal Friends
Luka Oman, President of the organization
Conducted by:
SPEM Communication Group Zagreb
Ksenija Oletic, manager
Some basic data about the survey
Number of persons surveyed: 1,000
Sample: the general public (Croatian citizens over the age of 15); random systematic sampling based on the Croatian telephone book from 2001, combined with quota sampling (according to county, sex and age)
Standard margin of error
for N=1,000 is +/-3,1%
Standard margin of error for the sample of N=1,000 and 95% level of confidence is +/-3,1%. That means that in 100 repeated surveys (with the same sample size) the results of 95 of them would be different from the current results by +/-3,1% at the most.
Animal Friends organization is very visible in the general public, since more than 80% of surveyed persons have heard of it. They have also noticed actions and campaigns organized by the association's activists. As many as 70% have heard of the "Anti-Fur Protest," while somewhat less, namely 65,3%, have heard of the campaign of "Rescuing Beagles from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine," 59,1% have taken notice of the campaign called "Vlatka Pokos – Shame for Croatia," 48,1% have heard of the "Prohibition of Kolinje (traditional home slaughter)" and 41% of "Families at the Seasides, Dogs in the Streets."
Only 9% of surveyed persons do not support vegetarianism and almost 58% have stated that they support vegetarianism even though they would not become vegetarians themselves. Almost one third of surveyed persons supports vegetarianism and might become vegetarians themselves, while 3,7% are declared vegetarians.
The survey also included questions on raising animals for fur and on wearing fur. As many as 52% of surveyed persons fully agree that raising animals for fur should be banned in Croatia, while additional 21% agree with the ban, which means that 73,7% of surveyed persons either agree or fully agree with the ban.
Almost 60% agree or fully agree with the statement that wearing fur is outrageous and unethical, while ca. 20% disagrees or fully disagrees.
An exceptionally high percentage of surveyed persons, namely 86,8%, agrees of fully agrees with the statement that animal abusers should be punished and even sentenced to prison if necessary, while only 6,7% disagrees or fully disagrees.
Moreover, 83,3% of surveyed persons agree or fully agree with the statement that cosmetic products and cleaning products should have a clear indication of whether they have been tested on animals or not, while 73,1% agree or fully agree with the statement that experimenting on animals in unethical and should be banned.
Zagreb, January 23, 2007
Survey questions:
Attitude towards vegetarianism
Being a vegetarian means buying food that is more expensive
Animal abusers should be punished and even sentenced to prison if necessary
Vegetarianism is a healthy way of life
Wearing fur is outrageous and unethical
Croatia should improve its vegetarian offer (more restaurants and stores)
One should eat less meat and meat products
Experimenting on animals is unethical and should be banned
Croatia should ban breeding animals for fur
All products should have an indication as to whether they are suitable for vegetarians/vegans
I would buy vegetal milk (soy, barley, or rice) if it were more affordable
I would buy vegetal patés and escaroles if they were more affordable
The number of vegetarians in Croatia is growing