06/17/04 Animal Friends in Front of Parliament

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Our activists ask parliamentarians for support

Animal Friends made the Animal Welfare Bill which is delivered on June 3, 2004 in Parliament for discussion.

As a part of campaign of lobbying for new Act, Animal Friends created leaflets with a slogan of the campaign - Croatian animals are part of Europe too! - which will be handed out to the parliamentarians on Thursday, June 17, 2004, at 9 A.M.

This way Animal Friends asks all parliamentarians to approve this Animal Welfare Bill.

The bill is made in accordance with Animal Welfare Acts of other countries (European Union, Germany, Sweden, United Kingdom, etc.) and in cooperation with individuals and organizations from our country and from abroad.

The new Animal Welfare Act should improve standards of keeping and treatment of animals, introduce better monitoring over animal abuse and appropriate punishments for perpetrators, and help Croatia - country with rising awareness of animal rights and welfare issues - in meeting EU accession criteria.

We hope this bill will correct the illogical mistakes of the existing Act and adjust it to European standards.




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