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Petition to ban horse log-pulling competitions

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State Inspectorate Permits Horse Abuse 09/25/2024

After log-pulling events were held in Velika Gorica, near Lonjsko Polje, and in Popovača, another one is scheduled for the following weekend in Nova Lipovica. Animal Friends Croatia reported each of these events to the State Inspectorate, presenting evidence of horse abuse and law violations, emphasizing that it is impossible to avoid horse suffering at such events, and requested that the veterinary inspection not issue permission for the use of horses. Despite this, the State Inspectorate continues to approve the forcing of horses to pull overly heavy logs for pure profit and entertainment, even though this is not a Croatian custom or tradition. "Even to a layperson, it is clear that log-pulling events are not a sport but events where horses are forced to pull logs, some weighing up to two tons, and are subjected to torment. It is alarming that the inspection turns a blind eye to the fact that such treatment of horses is both a misdemeanor and a criminal act of animal abuse," warns Snježana Klopotan Kačavenda from Animal Friends Croatia.

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