How To Help Animals In Everyday Life?
- Educate yourself and build a distinct attitude against animal testing...
- Don't use any products tested on animals, use only those from the white list. Spread the information among others...
- Don't visit institutions that hold animals in captivity, such as zoos, circuses with animals, dolphinaria...
- Condemn animal trade- don't buy animals, adopt them if you have the conditions for it and promote adoption...
- Condemn hunting, fishing and similar "hobbies." Encourage people to find hobbies in which animals aren't exploited or abused...
- Become a vegetarian or, even better, a vegan! Find out as much as you can about the vegan nutrition and its ethical, ecological and health advantages! Openly show your knowledge and attitudes...
- Don't wear animal skin, fur, wool or silk and explain to others why it is not acceptable to wear parts of somebody else's body...
- Don't support equestrian "sports," horseback riding, dog racing and other ways of exploiting animals for the so-called "sport and recreation" purposes...
- Sign the petitions against the exploiting and killing of animals, collect signatures among the people you know...
- Visit an info stand where animal rights are promoted and take the materials you can share forward...
- Read books and watch movies about animal rights so that you can pass your knowledge to others...
- Come to lectures about animal rights and activist gatherings so that you could meet like-minded people with whom you can help the animals together. If you have a chance, be sure to bring somebody with you...
- Collect old blankets and sheets and donate them to an animal shelter...
- Use cotton bags rather than the plastic ones, separate waste for recycling, be economic...
- Join the protests and other actions and raise your voice for the animals...
- Demand vegetarian and vegan meals in your school or work cafeterias and demand a better offer in stores...
- If you see somebody torturing an animal, report the abuse...
- Educate others on animal rights...
- Join an animal rights organization and support it with your membership or a donation...
If you need any materials or advice, be free to contact us via e-mail or phone or come to our office.