12/20/12 Let's Give Anima as Gift!
Animal Friends invites the public to give with their soul
- Animal Friends presents the first brand soap Anima and invite you to emphatic shopping
During pre-festive gifting we often forget that the point of festivities is empathy and spreading the message of peace and non-violence. Animals Friends invites the public to give to their loved ones this holiday by supporting the individuals and organizations that help the weak ones - those unable to help themselves because they have no power, those who depend on human empathy and those we often forget amidst glittering celebrations.
In order to contribute to a better and more positive world for all beings, Animal Friends has its own first brand soap before the days of gifting, and this thanks to a perennial collaboration with Sapunoteka, a Croatian craft that makes soap and cosmetics using natural plant ingredients.
The fragrant soap Anima, meaning the soul in Latin, made from olive oil, patchouli and lemongrass, is purely vegan and none of its ingredients have been tested on animals. Therefore it is an ideal gift for all the friends of animals, for all those who care about the people and the animals!
With its composition (olive oil, coconut oil, carrot juice, lemongrass and patchouli essential oils, cocoa) this handmade soap of domestic production offers a pleasant and fragrant experience, and during its production equal care was taken of ethical principles and quality.
For a minimal donation of only 15 kuna Anima soap can be ordered from our web catalog, at the Animal Friends office in Gajeva 47, Zagreb as well as Animals Friends info stalls that will be placed in Varsavska ulica by Trg Petra Preradovica in Zagreb on December 21, 22 and 24, 2012.
Soon you will be able to buy Anima soap from all Sapunoteka retail outlets, and Sapunoteka will gift 1 kuna from every sale as a donation to Animal Friends.
As well as the new Anima soap, Animal Friends also offer T-shirts, books, mugs and various other items that spread the message of empathy and support the work of the organization.
On the Croatian web page www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr you can find the instructions for emphatic shopping, and information regarding all the ways you can save the animals by buying gifts.
By inviting everyone to gift Anima, with thanks for your support, Animal Friends wishes everyone peaceful and emphatic holidays.