05/01/14 The Life of Every Child is Important!
Animal Friends would like to remind you that the slaughtered animals are someone's children
Animal Friends would like to remind everyone of the fact that many animal children are killed in order to satisfy the human habit of eating meat. Since the words normally used are veal, pork, or chops, most people rarely think of the fact that they are taking away the lives of someone's children.
The life of every child is important, and when we speak of "lamb meat", we actually speak of someone's child being impaled, a child that we needlessly transform into a product meant to cater for human whims. Most individuals bred and killed in meat industry are children, as they end up in the slaughterhouse before they become adults.
Humans eat animal children and try to hide it by using expressions that describe the type of meat rather than the species to which a particular child belongs. In the season around May 1 – or on that particular day – people often go to celebrations that consist in overeating on the meat of sheep’s children: impaled lambs.
Animal Friends would like to invite everyone to celebrate May 1 by eating fried beans with or without smoked seitan, rather than with fried or boiled meat of a child. For that occasion, we have published ads with the photographs of a lamb heading for slaughter with the message: "The Life of Every Child is Important!" The photograph was shot on the island of Pag by Duje Klaric from Cropix.
When laid bare, certain human behaviours seem exceptionally barbaric, which they, in fact, also are. Even though it may be easier to close one's eyes over someone's suffering for the sake of one's own pleasure, or stilling one's consciousness with the excuse of the so-called "human need", making a step towards compassion and respect for the life of every child or grown-up individual is not that hard. The reward will be a clear conscience, good health, and considerably less damage inflicted upon the increasingly polluted environment we live in.
The life of every child is important, so let us not forget about those children whom we can save with our choice of nutrition and lifestyle.