Animals in Factory Farming

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In this section you can find and download the video footage about animals raised in factory farming, animal transport, and the slaughter of the animals raised for human consumption. Please, help us stop this cruelty - now!

PIK Vrbovec farm [ 2.00 Mb ] Hidden tears behind an iron wall
Slaughterhouse - hens on an assembly line [ 3.17 Mb ] Slaughterhouse - poultry treatment [ 2.44 Mb ]
Slaughterhouse - a turkey in a slaughterhouse [ 2.47 Mb ] Animal transport - a downed cow [ 3.63 Mb ]
Animal transport - a dragged pig [ 2.47 Mb ] Animal transport - a veal calf stumbles and falls [ 1.12 Mb ]
Life on a farm - castration of a piglet [ 830.72 Kb ] Life on a farm - the row of veal crates [ 1.07 Mb ]
Life on a farm - debeaking of turkeys [ 1.83 Mb ] Life on a farm - a stuck cow [ 1.30 Mb ]




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