In this section you can find and download the following Animal Friends' leaflets:
If you wouldn't wear your dog, please do not wear any fur (with Goran Visnjic) in pdf
Campaign against the killing of the kangaroos (all postcards, leaflets and poster - 5609kb)
leaflets.zip (1335kb)
Contest of a zip file:
bozic bez nasilja.doc (Christmas without violence)
cirkus.doc (Circus)
dan planete zemlje.doc (Earth Day)
dan zastite voda.doc (Water Protection Day)
dan zdravlja.doc (World Health Day)
nasilje jedenja mesa.doc (Violence of meat eating)
nojevi.doc (Ostrich)
podlozniji bolestima.doc (Liable to illnesses)
pristupnica.doc (Application form)
psi.doc (Dogs)
vegetarijanstvo.doc (Vegetarianism)
vivisekcija.doc (Vivisection)
Note: all leaflets are in Croatian