01/03/06 Report Against Zlatko Mudrinjak for Suspicion of Organizing Poaching
Department for Legal and Inspection Affairs of Nature Protection
Inspection of Nature Protection
January 3, 2006
Dear Sirs,
Ref: Report against Zlatko Mudrinjak for suspicion of organizing poaching
We are turning to you with the demand to inspect Zlatko Mudrinjak from Kaniska Iva 160, Garesnica, and his private property. According to several sources, we have a good reason to suspect that he organizes poaching for Italian citizens, keeps wild ducks and ties them in hunt as baits, uses almost all forbidden means in hunting and so breaks existing laws.
We would also request you to inform us about the outgoing of your inspection and the measures you will take.
Thanking you very much for your will to cooperate we remain yours sincerely,
Luka Oman
President of Animal Friends