05/04/06 Suffocation for Profit

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Animal Friends and most of Croatian citizens are asking our parliament representatives to ban

In hidden basements, barns, garages and attics, in cramped cages where their natural behaviour is not possible, without any veterinary control, chinchillas are living their short lives. Although they are wild animals in need of a lot of movement and jumping around, this is made impossible for them. This type of keeping and breeding conditions results with abnormal stereotype behavior, fear, reproduction disorders and death of baby-chinchillas. Because of stress, captivity and boredom, they repeat the same movements in the cage, refuse food, they hurt themselves and other animals in the same cage by biting their fur, ears and tails and by picking their eyes out. After they are bought by the company Chinchilla d.o.o. situated in Cakovec, they are killed with deadly gases. The animals suffocate, make contract their muscles while letting out noises of pain. All this is happening in Croatia for only one company's bloody earnings and the extra profit of a few citizens!

That is why Animal Friends will on Thursday, May 4, 2006, at 12 noon, on Ban Jelacic Square, send a clear message shown on a four meter big board, while symbolically showing the act of suffocation. This is meant to ask the parliament members to ban all animal breeding for fur with new coming Animal Protection Act. Animal Friends requests the parliament members to consider the firm ecological, economical and health related reasons which make it impossible to protect animals without breeding controls that are tortured and killed just for human vanity. The only solution is to ban all animal breeding for their fur by law.

Although in the initial version of Animal Protection Act there was a regulation saying that all animal breeding for fur will be banned, because of the strong profit of the lobby, but later it was removed without any arguments for doing so. Animal breeding for fur in Croatia is based on one company's profit, whose production is constantly dropping and as such isn't significant economic branch. Great Britain and Austria have due to the ethical unacceptability banned all animal breeding for fur - inspite of a large number of breeding farms and significantly larger fur manufacturing in their countries.

It is disgraceful that for only one company's profit, that pollutes our environment and exploits the citizens of Croatia that keep the chinchillas for them, law does not prohibit the barbarian torturing and killing of those animals for their fur, as judged by most of Croatia's citizens. Those wish that this type of practice is forbidden by law and that Croatia keeps growing as a civilized country that condemns breeding and killing of animals for trivial and spiteful reasons. We expect from our parliament members to continue with the positive decisions such as banning the import of baby seal pelts in Croatia (that has recently been passed) and that with the Animal Protection Act ban all animal breeding for fur.

Considering the fact that the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management had based the proposition of Animal Protection Act on the Austrian law, we are asking, not only banning animal breeding for fur, but all other primitive practices that are regulated by the Austrian law, such as keeping dogs on chains and killing dogs in shelters. Furthermore, it is absurd that in an Animal Protection Committee are also representatives of Croatian Chamber of Commerce and representatives of Croatian Craftsman Chamber that consider animal welfare strictly for self interest reasons. Regulation that allows performing surgical procedures on animals without any necessary education is also unthinkable.

We expect our parliament representatives to seriously and responsibly realize the necessity of updating the Animal Protection Act so that all animals are protected in line with the ethical development of all Croatian citizens.

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