Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights

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Tom Regan

'This book is invaluable introduction to a critical reexamination of our relationship to animals. It deserves to be widely read.' – New Scientist

'Empty Cages is an excellent introduction for newcomers to the world of animal rights.' – Animal Guardian

'Every so often a book is written that is destined to change the way people think. Tom Regan has written just such a book. Empty Cages is compelling because it is logical, rational, and written in an elegantly simple style. It will educate and sadden you, and make you angry, but never is it inflamatory. Reading it may not convert you into an animal rights advocate, at least not immediately, but it will most definitely give you an understanding of and sympathy for the movement. And all animals, everywhere, will benefit. Please buy this book, read it, and tell your friends about it. Everyone needs a copy on their bookshelf.' – Jane Goodall

'Of value to everyone.' – Veg News

'Tom Regan delivers a searing indictment of the way we treat animals in the world we have made for ourselves, and presents a trenchant case that animals have or should have rights in the same way that human beings have.' – J. M. Coetzee, winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize for Literature

'Tom Regan is the Tom Paine of animal rights, the rational visionary who, while passionately defending the rights of man, no less passionately defends the rights of animals. His contributions are historically unprecedented. The animal rights movement may have evolved from the humane feelings of compassion and mercy. In Tom Regan, it has found the voice of reason.' – Paul Watson, cofounder of Greenpeace, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

'Empty Cages debunks myhts and exposes unscrupulous practices hidden from public view. People who are willing to 'question authority' need to read this original, illuminating, and thorough examination of the case for animal rights.' – Neal Barnard, M.D., president, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Tom Regan is professor emeritus of philosophy at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.

Literatura - Empty Cages, knjiga Toma Regana

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