03/09/23 Queen's Children into the Slaughterhouse and Milk into the Carton

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Animal Friends Croatia announce a protest in front of a dairy farm in Baranja

- Saturday, March 11th, 2023, 11:30 h, Mitrovac: volunteers with banners in front of exploited “queens”

Since they have still not received an answer from Belje after they asked them for permission to film the birth and the first calf’s day on one of their dairy farms, Animals Friends Croatia on Saturday, March 11th, 2023 at 11:30 a.m. will hold a protest in front of a Belje dairy farm in Mitrovac. With inscriptions on banners such as “Cows are Treated as Biological Machines and not Like Queens!” and „Stop the False Marketing,” they will highlight their attitude that Belje with brand Kravica Kraljica-Little Royal Cow and by calling the cows queens are misleading the public and is drawing the attention from the brutal truth that is hidden by the dairy industry.

Even though in its announcements Belje points out that cows are taken care of by their long-term employees who try to treat them as queens, it is an undeniable fact that these same “queens” are forcefully artificially inseminated, their children taken away immediately after birth and are killed after on the average within four and a half years, and their male children even earlier. All of this is not royal at all! Such practice is the same within the total dairy industry.

Despite that, Belje imposes to the consumers, in a fact, an idea that their dairy products are delivered from happy little cows. In social media, it is pointed out that the cows from their farms' party live in a castle, enjoy the spring-like scenery, with butterflies and swallows, take long vacations, and similar. In their campaign, they use anthropomorphic methods creating an aura of innocence around their products. But, if we would really compare the cows to people, we would see that what they are subject to is truly terrifying.

„It is unethical and mocking to place the cows, who in fact are slaves, in royalty context. What is too much, is too much!” Animal Friends Croatia are determined.

They also add that Belje has the responsibility to take care of their consumers to find out more about the production of their drink since the public knows very little about milk production and the treatment of cows on dairy farms. This was also confirmed by the public street survey and the public opinion research from which it is clear that only 26.6% of Croatian citizens know that the usual practice in milk production is to take away the calf from the mother immediately after birth. Only 31.6% know that cows produce milk exclusively because they gave birth and that it is meant for feeding their children only!

With the Animal Friends Croatia attitude most of the citizens also agree: 85.1% of the public considers misleading that dairy products are advertised as showing happy cows who live like royalty when, in fact, that is not how they live!

„Only vegan products should contain illustrations and photos of happy animals”, Animal Friends Croatia concludes. They invite all to watch a video on www.trazisekraljica.net with actual practices in the dairy industry and the public street survey in order to find out more about a great injustice towards the cows and the calves within the dairy industry as well as how to help them.

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