Tips for Vegan Tourists in Croatia

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If you are a vegan and you are going on holiday to Croatia, you might find useful to have these basic questions in relation to food on a card or a piece of paper with you.

I am a vegan, this means I do NOT eat:
Ja sam veganka i to znaci da NE jedem:

Are the potatoes/chips cooked in a vegetarian oil?
Jesu li krumpiri/pomfrit kuhani u biljnom ulju?

Can you cook my food separate from the meat and fish?
Mozete li moju hranu skuhati odvojeno od mesa i ribe?

Does the bread contain milk or eggs?
Sadrzi li kruh mlijeko ili jaja?

Does the pasta contain egg?
Ima li u tijestu jaja?

Does the pizza base contain milk or eggs?
Sadrzi li tijesto za pizzu jaja ili mlijeko?

Welcome and have a pleasant vegan staying in Croatia!

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