Death In Meat
Animal meat contains highly toxic substances that are responsible for many diseases and deaths. According to a study by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine, meat consumption increases the risk of death.
The study collected data on diet and other health habits of more than half a million men and women aged 50-71 for ten years. Between 1995 and 2005, 49,976 men and 23,276 women died.
The researchers divided the volunteers into five groups. Other important factors—fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet, smoking, exercise, obesity, etc.—were also taken into account.
Women who ate large amounts of meat had a 20% greater risk of dying from cancer and 50% more risk of death from heart disease than those who ate less or no meat. Men had a 22% greater chance of dying from cancer and were 25% more likely to die of heart disease.
The study included data on white meat, which is also a major death risk factor. It pointed out that all meat contains several compounds that cause cancer and unhealthy forms of fat. It should be noted that if meat consumption can kill large numbers of people, then it can make even more people sick. Food that kills people and makes them sick should not even be considered food.
The good news is that the US government now recommends a "plant-based diet", with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. The bad news is that it does this while giving subsidies to farms to maintain a low price of meat, thus encouraging a diet based on animal source foods (ASF).
A study published at the beginning of the year in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found that eating meat increases the risk of prostate cancer as much as 40%, while children have a 60% higher risk of leukemia if consuming meat products such as ham, sausages and hamburgers.
A recent Oxford medical study found a balanced vegetarian diet to be very healthy, as confirmed by over 11,000 volunteers who participated in the study. During 15 years, researchers examined the effects of a vegetarian diet on longevity, heart disease, cancer and many other diseases.
Many were astonished by the study results: "Meat eaters are twice as likely to die from heart disease, have a 60% greater risk of dying from cancer and a 30% higher risk of death from other causes."
In addition, the incidence of obesity, which is the main cause of many diseases, including gallbladder disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes, is significantly lower in people who adhere to a vegetarian diet, according to a Johns Hopkins University research report on 20 different published studies.
The US National Institute of Health (NIH), in a study that included 50,000 vegetarians, found that vegetarians live longer and have a strikingly lower incidence of heart disease and a significantly lower rate of cancer than those who eat meat. The Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, reported that a vegetarian diet could prevent 90-97% of heart disease.
What we eat is very important for our health. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), nearly 35% of 900,000 new cancer cases each year in the United States can be prevented by proper adherence to dietary recommendations.
Researcher Rollo Russell writes in his Notes on the Causation of Cancer: "I have found of twenty-five nations eating flesh largely, nineteen had a high cancer rate and only one had a low rate, and that of thirty-five nations eating little or no flesh, none of these had a high rate."
Research by the World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF) and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) of the United Kingdom concluded that a diet rich in plant foods and maintaining a healthy weight could annually prevent four million cancer cases around the world.
Both reports emphasize the need to increase the daily intake of fiber, fruits and vegetables and reduce the consumption of meat.
It should be noted that although fish, turkey and chicken contain less uric acid than red meat and are therefore less toxic to the kidneys and other body tissues, the degree of damage to the blood vessels and digestive system caused by the consumption of these coagulated proteins is no less than that resulting from the consumption of red meat.
Turning to a vegetarian or vegan diet, except in severe cardiovascular diseases, should be gradual. It is difficult for the digestive system to adapt immediately to a completely different diet.