03/15/07 Canadian Seal Hunt

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The Canadian Embassy in Zagreb
Mr. Thomas Marr, Ambassador
Prilaz Gjure Dezelica 4
10000 Zagreb

March 15, 2007

Your Excellency,

We are writing to you in regard to the coming start of this year's commercial seal hunt.

We would appreciate if you could dedicate a few moments of your precious time and try to picture a scene of peace and innocence that with the arrival of the sealing ships becomes a makeshift factory of terror and cruelty. Picture the ice covered in blood and helpless baby seals, some as young as two weeks old, clubbed or shot to death.

Because of their fur and/or with the fishery industry's excuse that seals reduce the fish population, Canada again this year plans to allow the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of baby seals, many of them will even be skinned alive or will die trapped under the ice after being injured.

Animal Friends has for years already tried to bring this not only Canadian but also global issue to the attention of the Canadian consulate in Zagreb, and therefore this year too we urge you to speak up at Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) on behalf of the seals and stop this inhumane slaughter.

It is not a solution to turn a blind eye on the documented cases of clubbed and wounded seals being left to suffer; neither it is a solution to ignore the protests all over the world. Like this we are asking you to support a complete halt on the seal slaughter.

In addition to Canada's commercial seal hunt, which jeopardizes the seal population, the effects of global warming destroy the ice that harp and hooded seals require for breeding and nursing habitat.

In the light of everything above mentioned, once more we urge you to use your influence and good will to protect the seals and stop their slaughter, which is against the will of most of Canada's citizens who consider it as something shameful for Canada.

Thank you on behalf Croatian citizens and everyone concerned about the animals of our planet and the future of our world as we know it.


Luka Oman
Animal Friends

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