08/25/07 Lipizzaner Horses Still Starve, and Politicians Don't Care

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Animal Friends contacted the Directorate for Animal Health and Welfare by the European Commission

Animal Friends contacted the Directorate for Animal Health and Welfare by the European Commission because it is inexcusable that the horses are still exposed to starvation and neglect, and that their return is still not in sight.

Animal Friends condemn the Serbian authorities for allowing the starvation of Lipizzaner horses to continue and for failing to return them to Croatia, but also the Croatian authorities for not showing adequate care for the Lipizzaner horses. That is the reason for seeking action from the European Union.

Animal Health and Welfare, Directorate D
Mr. Bernard Van Goethem, Director

August 24, 2007

SUBJECT: Requesting help for Lipizzaner horses

Dear Mr. Van Goethem,

We would like to inform you about the ongoing problem with about 80 starving Lipizzaner horses in Serbia.

Horses have been illegally taken from stables in Lipik, Croatia during the war in 1991, and have been in Serbia since then, currently on a private ranch in Novo Naselje, a district of Novi Sad where they are being mistreated.

Croatia and Serbia have been trying to find a solution to this problem for years now. They also agree that the horses are Croatian ownership and that they should be returned to Croatia, but still the horses have not been returned. The Croatian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, and Water Management, Petar Cobankovic, and his Serbian counterpart, Slobodan Milosavljevic, will have a meeting next Monday or Tuesday to discuss the return of those noble horses back to Croatia. So we, Animal Friends, are kindly asking you to use your influence in both Serbia and Croatia to solve this problem, in order to help the Lipizzaner horses who are starving while two countries negotiate a solution.

Animal Friends is an animal protection and rights organization. We are active in the entire territory of Croatia, but we also support international initiatives, given the fact that, unfortunately, the suffering and exploitation of animals do not know borders imposed by man.

Trusting in your conscientiousness and concern for animals, we are joining the request made by Freedom for Animals, a group from Belgrade, to intervene in order to solve this case in a satisfactory manner as soon as possible for the horses' benefit.

We would also like to make a reasonable proposal, backed by Serbian Freedom for Animals group, that the horses should be allowed to move back to Croatia, where they will be offered permanent and appropriate care.

We sincerely hope that our benevolent appeals will encourage you to prevent any further suffering and possible death of the Lipizzaner horses.

Please do all what is in you power, so that your reputation contributes to the solution of this problem.

Thank you very much!

With best regards,

Luka Oman
President of Animal Friends

P.S. You can find more information about us and situation with Lipizzaner horses - with photos - on our web site: www.prijatelji-zivotinja.hr/index.en.php?id=811

European Commission replies [ 89.38 Kb ]



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