03/04/21 It is growing in popularity: It is widely used and is the best replacement

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Animal Friends Croatia invites you to an interesting online workshop on making plant-based milk

- 6th of March at 6 p.m. on FB page Animal Friends Croatia: oatmeal, almond, and hazelnut milk and desserts

Animal Friends Croatia invites all who are interested in learning about the benefits of the plant–based substitutes for dairy products to join them for a free plant-based milk-making workshop that will be broadcasted live via their Facebook page on Saturday, March 6, 2021, starting at 6 p.m. The workshop, which will also be a lecture on the importance of plant–based substitutes for dairy products, will be led by longtime vegan and experienced chef Nikolina Plenar Jeličić. Nikolina will show how to make oat, almond, or hazelnut milk at home and in what way to productively use all the ingredients that remain afterward, making homemade pudding and other vegan desserts.

"By choosing veganism as a lifestyle, I did not give up anything but remorse because I got to know a wonderful new world full of possibilities and compassion and delicious and healthy delicacies. My decision has made me more vitalized and energetic, and above all I know I am contributing to a cleaner environment and that I do not participate in the exploitation of animals ", says Nikolina Plenar Jeličić with great pleasure.

Veganism, as the fastest-growing movement in the world, which is witnessed daily by the growth and demand for plant products, is a way out of the alarming state in which our planet and its inhabitants find themselves. Plant-based alternatives to animal products can greatly reduce world hunger, stop climate change and environmental pollution, prevent digestive, heart, cardiovascular, and other diseases associated with the consumption of animal products, and most of all eradicate the suffering of hundreds of billions of animals a year.

Animal Friends Croatia reminds us that the purpose of milk is to feed a cub of its kind: “Consumption of animal milk is unnatural, unhealthy and unnecessary, and at the same time associated with great cruelty. Cows are subjected to annual artificial insemination to be able to produce milk. After birth, the calf is separated from the mother so that the milk intended for it can be taken by humans. The calves are taken for fattening and slaughter, and their mothers are killed after several years of exhaustion in the dairy industry.”

They point out that the consumption of plant-based milk can have a positive effect on reducing the consumption of natural resources in the livestock industry, as well as reducing the huge amount of two and a half billion tons of feces per year, which causes large fecal pollution of water, soil, and air from methane.

They add that every mammal loses the ability to digest milk sugar as it grows up, including humans. Experts warn that milk and dairy products are not only unnecessary in the diet of children and adults but are harmful to health and are associated with many diseases such as arteriosclerosis, allergies, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and many others. One cup of cow's milk contains on average up to seven drops of manure, ie somatic cells, bacteria, cholesterol, casein, and often blood and feces. The dairy industry is a major consumer of antibiotics, often hormones.

"Taste different types of soy, rice, oats, almonds, and other kinds of milk, discover different types of plant–based cheeses, as well as plant-based cream, yogurt, spreads, and ice cream. Enjoy the benefits of the plant–based foods, which are also a diverse, natural, and safe source of calcium and other nutrients for all, ” says Animal Friends Croatia.

Animal Friends Croatia reminds us that the free Vegan Challenge service, located at www.veganopolis.net, is open to anyone who wants to change their life for the better and to enrich their knowledge.

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