12/18/24 Do not Buy Animals for Christmas Presents!
Animal Friends Croatia call for thoughtful adoption rather than Christmas animal shopping
- Animals are not cute soft toys but a long-term responsibility and obligation
“If you are considering buying an animal for yourself, your family member or a friend in the run up to Christmas, please do not do it,” warned Animal Friends Croatia. They point out that animals are not objects or soft toys but a significant responsibility and a long-term commitment. As such, animals should never be an object of trade or impulsive shopping in search of Christmas presents. Animal Friends Croatia warn that a demand for cute kittens and puppies during holidays contributes to the growth of unethical animal breeding and trade industry.
Discarded animals become part of the black statistics of 10,000 abandoned animals
“Unfortunately, during holiday season, many buy animals because they are cute, however as soon as the holiday cheer is over, they lose interest in caring for them. Unwanted animals then become part of the black statistics accounting for over 10,000 animals abandoned in Croatia every year. As buying animals worsens an already difficult situation, we appeal to the public not to buy but to responsibly adopt cats and dogs,” state Animal Friends Croatia.
They emphasise that animals are not objects that can simply be replaced or discarded after the “Christmas magic” is over: “No being should be discarded because someone did not like their present or because they got tired of it after a while. The already overcrowded shelters often face enormous pressure at the beginning of every new year and struggle to rehome the animals adequately.”
Breeding Sick Animals Due to Increased Demand During Christmas Holidays
Animal Friends Croatia noted that, due to increased demand for puppies and kittens as Christmas gifts, many breeders stop at nothing to make extra profits. This includes continuous mating to maximise the number of babies, breeding sick animals which will suffer forever, keeping them in disgusting conditions, as well as providing misleading information in ads on animal’s origin, health, and character.
Thus, Animal Friends Croatia ask anyone who can care for an animal to adopt a dog or a cat and save the life of the adopted animal as well as the one which will take its place in the shelter. At the same time, all members of the family should take this serious decision and be prepared to care for the adopted animal for the next fifteen to twenty years, also when they go on holidays or need to pay for neutering, vaccination, or medical treatment.
Visit a Shelter, Gift a Walk, or a Treat to a Dog
“May this holiday period inspire you to visit one of the many animal shelters and offer help by volunteering, walking dogs or treating them with a toy or a special snack. Shelters are overwhelmed by a vast number of dogs of all ages, sizes, colours, and characteristics; however, they are all receiving veterinary care and ready to be adopted. Even if you are not considering adopting a dog yourself, share posts on social media of cats and dogs looking for a home or simply sponsor one of them,” state Animal Friends Croatia in their appeal for responsibility.
They also remind that objects bought for the purpose of gifting should not be linked to animal suffering or exploitation, in other words, we should buy clothing and footwear free of animal leather and fur, as well as animal-free or cruelty-free cosmetics. Today we have a truly wide range of ecological and ethical cosmetics, clothing and footwear, and no animal should suffer over Christmas presents.